Pick Pony Past Performance Sheets (PPs)

Pick Pony | April 3, 2024, 2:40 p.m.

What makes Pick Pony PPs different?

Smart and User-Friendly Past Performances with AI Integration

Experience the next level of Past Performance sheets with Pick Pony's AI-powered past performances! Our unique system transforms complex horse race handicapping data into easily digestible, critical tables of information, making your handicapping process both efficient and precise. Just upload your Brisnet data file and let our advanced AI create a custom downloadable past performances PDF. Our past performances are typically 100+ pages, packed with data and charts topped off with shorter summary reports for those looking for a more concise solution.

What are Brisnet data files?

Brisnet is a global front-runner in horse racing data. Many of the Past Performance sheets you're using now are built on Bris data. These data files, available at just $1, and contain all the necessary data to create a Past Performance sheet. With a simple click to download and another to upload on our website, your personalized PPS is created as a downloadable PDF document. It's as quick and easy as it gets!

Why we believe Pick Pony PPs represent the next-gen Past Performance Sheet 

Here’s a taste of the features provided in Pick Pony's past performance sheets:

1. Integrated weather forecasts for each race.
2. Configurable highlighting of critical jockey, trainer, and race statistics.
3. Streamlined view of the racelines, with race times, pace, speed, and race shape stats conveniently grouped together in a format that makes sense.
4. Rankings and averages of all your horse racing statistics, providing a quick overview of all essential information and how it relates to the other horse in the race.
5. Annotated works (workouts) display, which can be integrated with race data for a seamless analysis experience.
6. Intelligent organization of color-coded post positions, horse pedigree, track variant, feet-per-second calculations, negative comments, and other key details.
7. Superior racelines, featuring annotated track information, integrated feet-per-second calculations, color-coded datapoints, and more.
8. Our propitiery Pick Pony Peak Performance rating - calculated by AI and tweaked by Pick Pony's expert handicappers.

Click here to download a SAMPLE Pick Pony Past Performance report.

Prepare for a whole new level of racing analysis with Pick Pony PPs! 


Graphical heatmaps

Our Past Performance sheets contain heatmaps for every race. These vibrant displays bring speed ratings, jockey and trainer statistics, works rankings, E1/E2/LP pace, days between races, and more. Our heatmaps use a color gradient from dark red to dark green - the darker the green, the better the stat value - allowing you to easily identify patterns, cycles, and trends in a horse's performance.

Speed trend charts

We include a speed trends chart for every horse in the race that graphs the horse's speed progression over time. The solid blue line indicates the speed, while the dashed blue line paints a picture of the speed trend. The dark orange dashed line is the horse's average speed. Dashed-green and red lines are "fast" and "slow" moving averages that act like "Bollinger bands" in a financial chart. Notice how the speed line bounces around between the dashed green and red Bollinger bands. When a speed line comes close to touching a "Bollinger band", you can expect the speed rating to "bounce" off the line so that it remains within the Bollinger bands. It's a time-proven statistic in the financial world that works in the horse racing world, too.

Pace trend charts

Pick Pony Past Performance sheets include a trend chart for every horse in the race. We include trend lines for E1, E2, and LP pace. Green is E1 pace, Blue is E2 pace, and Red is late pace. The steepness of the line indicates the degree of the trend for each pace as calculated by our AI.

Feet-per-second charts

Many believe feet-per-second calculations revolutionalized horse race analysis. We do the cumbersome calculations for you and integrate the feet-per-second calculations directly in the race lines plus provide a FPS chart for every horse in the race. The green line is the FPS for the first fraction,  blue is the critical turn time (second) fraction, and red in the FPS of the final fraction. Dashed lines indicate the trend for each FPS fraction.

Race summaries

Unleash the power of past performances data with our comprehensive horse racing summaries! Dive into the heart of the race with wide-ranging data points, covering everything from overall averages to the nitty-gritty of speed, pace, and turf performance. Our summaries don't just provide the horses' past performances - we'll also bring you up-to-the-minute rankings of the horse's performance by distance and track type, prime power, and more.

And the changes don't end there! We're constantly innovating, adding new summaries to our past performance reports to ensure you have all the information you need at your fingertips.


Pick Pony's platform lets you customize your data presentation. Simply upload your Brisnet data file and choose how you want your data parsed and displayed. Say goodbye to unnecessary information, with the freedom to remove unneeded highlights, summaries, charts, or legends. Your Past Performance report is entirely in your control, with the added convenience of saving options and reloading your defaults each time you create a new PP.

Data consolidation and storage for additional statistical analysis and handicapping insights

But that's not all - Pick Pony is also your data consolidation and storage solution for advanced statistical analysis and handicapping insights. When you upload your Bris data file, we securely archive it while parsing the data into discrete data points stored in your account. This treasure trove of information can be tapped into for statistical reports, machine learning and more. With every new upload, your data cache grows, paving the way for comprehensive dashboards, track bias reports, trainer/jockey reports, and so much more!

Handicapping toolsets

Your Pick Pony subscription also comes with an array of handicapping toolsets. Look forward to our unique betting diary (coming soon) which cleverly links your uploaded Bris race data to a handicapping worksheet. This not only assists in calculating underlays and overlays, but doubles as a betting log book, keeping you updated on your bets and winnings.

More coming soon!

At Pick Pony, we believe in constant evolution. That's why we're continually enhancing our platform to make your horse racing data more readable and intelligently consolidated. Stay tuned for exciting additions such as AI analysis, machine learning, advanced betting tools, the ability to add personal notes, and much more. Join Pick Pony today and elevate your horse racing experience!

Example Pick Pony Past Performances sheet

Check out this PDF example Pick Pony Past Performances sheet from 2024 that is suitable for display on a desktop device..

How to purchase Pick Pony Past Performance Reports

Getting started is as simple as setting up an account with just your email and password. Once you're in, a treasure trove of handicapping products and tools awaits you.

How to generate a Pick Pony Past Performance Report

We guide you through the creation of your personalized past performance report. Just purchase your datafile from Brisnet, upload it to our system, and customize your report with various options to meet your specific needs. In a matter of minutes, your tailored report will be ready. We ensure you're always in the loop, sending notifications both within our platform and via email.

Convenient monthly plans

Pick Pony offers a variety of plans. You may purchase a single Past Performance Sheet or subscribe to one of our monthly plans, which offer additional subscriber benefits like exclusive articles, AI analytics, expert picks, and more. ALL MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION PLANS REMOVE ADVERTISEMENTS FROM WEBSITE. After making your purchase, upload your Bris data file for processing, then download your PPS report from the Past Performances dashboard.