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A furlong is a distance unit in imperial units and United States customary units. It is one-eighth of a mile, or roughly 660 feet, 220 yards, 40 rods, 10 chains, or 201 meters. It's mainly used in horse racing and agriculture to measure race lengths and rural field distances.
We have created a collection of US horse race track diagrams for most of the major tracks in the United States. These diagrams/illustrations are copyright-protected assets of Pick Pony. However, you may use them with full attribution.
The BRIS (brisnet) single file/data file is used for Pick Pony processing. The .csv file can appear cryptic at first glance. Here are the field definitions for the file.
A horse racing odds calculator that lets you allocate "points" to each horse to calculate odds. The calculator will also calculate the overlay/underlay and specify whether the bet is a good one to make.
The Ultimate Past Performance product is a compilation of a horse's record including race results, pedigree, jockey status, and trainer information. It is the basis for horse race handicapping.
A complete horse racing and handicapping glossary of common (and not-so-common) terms.